Monday, June 28, 2010


It's our last week of classes! I can't believe how fast time has gone by. We're ready for level 3 in Arabic, we barely realize we're in a third world country, and we're going to miss this place more than we realized! Though we can't wait for travels in Egypt, Greece and Turkey! This week is busy with final tests, final favorite foods, final favorite places and final goodbyes.. We've learned so much about this country and culture. There are too many things, (probably more important things), but these are the most relevant day-to-day lessons we've learned thus far.

1. High-speed Internet only exists at American cafes.
2. A cocktail is a very popular, non-alcoholic fruity beverage
3. Napkins=Kleenex
4. Coffee=Nescafe
5. JD1/$1.40 is an overpriced cab ride
6. Toilet paper in public restrooms is unheard of. Come prepared, as asking is a laughable offense.
7. Jordanians love, love, love Americans, but will double or triple charge the actual amount that any item or service is worth.
8. Nail files and chapstick are ridiculously expensive. So are napkins, canned beer and apples.
9. Everyone and their brothers and their friends want to learn English. With you as their speaking partner.
10. Women must sit upstairs in many restaurants.
11. Women dress just like us, (sometimes even more risqué), but in the privacy of their homes and beauty salons.
12. Men link arms and hold hands with men in public, (out of friendship). But never women.
13. Indentured servitude DOES exist.
14. A sidewalk isn’t right if it’s not uneven and dangerous.
15. When all else fails, open a furniture store or sweets shop.
16. Black September was never a problem, and the Holocaust wasn’t that bad, (according to some Jordanians).
17. Creepiness=affection.
18. To be stylish, wear outfits via ’99.
19. Water is actually bad for your health.
20. Vegetarians and nut allergies cause confusion and are a big problem.
21. King Abdullah>anything
22. PINK underwear is more overpriced than previously thought.
23. The Persian Gulf is an unheard of body of water. (Arab Gulf is preferred, but that’s just plain incorrect).
24. Israel=Palestine
25. People are generally kind, helpful and trustworthy. But then old men ask you to marry them so they can move to the “Land of Free People.”
26. Hareesa, hummus and falafel are a hundred times better when they’re fresh and not American.
27. A cool day is 78 degrees, (those are the days we worry that we didn’t bring sweaters. It’s going to be a very, very rough winter in Wisconsin this year).
28. People like you more once they know you’re learning Arabic.
29. 20 minutes means 1 hour and 20 minutes. Arab time. My mom would fit in perfectly. ☺ Just Kidding!
31. Americans are rich.
32. Wake up calls are not reliable.
33. The way things work/happen here is rarely the most efficient or best way to do something, but we’re starting to like it.
34. Going anywhere with Rebecca, Brianna and Cassidy=priceless, usually dramatic adventure!

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